Categorical Programs K-12
The objective of all Categorical Programs is to provide eligible students with supplemental services and materials which will enhance the core curriculum and enable all students to be successful learners within the regular program. The services and materials purchased with categorical funds must be supplemental to the district core program and all exppenditures must be considered necessary and reasonable.
Walnut Valley Unified School District receives the following categorical funding:
Federal Programs:
- Title I, – Part A provides supplemental funds to close the achievement gap between disadvantaged children and other children in those areas where the highest concentrations of children from low-income families attend school.
- Title II, Part A provides grants to increase student academic achievement by improving teacher and principal quality and increasing the number of highly qualified teachers in the schools.
- Title II, Part D provides funding through an application process for educational technology and must be spent to support technology that enhances education consistent with the approved application.
- Title III, Part A provides funding for supplementary programs and services for English Learners. Funds may be used for instructional support, curricular development, parental involvement and related program activities.
- Title IV, Part A provides funding to develop, implement, and evaluate comprehensive drug/alcohol, tobacco, and violence prevention programs and activities.
State Programs:
- EIA/LEP provides funds to English learners to develop full proficiency in English as rapidly and effectively as possible, and recoup any academic deficits that may have been incurred in other areas of the core curriculum as a result of language barriers.
- School Improvement (SI) provides funds to elementary and middle schools to improve instruction, services, school environment and organization according to plans developed by School Site Councils.
- Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) provides funding to school districts as a vehicle for teacher assessment, training and retraining.
- School Safety and Violence Prevention (AB 1113) provides funding through an entitlement program for school safety. Funds are to be used for hiring personnel trained in conflict resolution, providing on campus communication devices, establishing staff training programs, and establishing cooperative arrangements with law enforcement.