Walnut Valley Unified School District offers support to eligible students in need.
Please contact our district liaison for further information about support for homeless students:
Liaison: Martha Arellano, Child Welfare and Attendance Technician Telephone: 909.444.4383
Email: [email protected]
Additional Resources:
211 - Los Angeles County General Information: https://www.211la.org/ or call: 211
211 - Los Angeles County Housing: https://www.211la.org/housing
Department of Public Social Services: http://dpss.lacounty.gov/ or call: 866.613.3777
CalFresh - Food Assistance: https://calfresh.dss.ca.gov/
Apply for Medical Assistance Online: https://www.coveredca.com/
Apply for Medical by Mail: https://bit.ly/3TkOLST
National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth: https://naehcy.org/