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Walnut valley Unified School District

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Our motto is KIDS FIRST... Every Student, Every Day!   Walnut Valley USD is proud to be a National Schools to Watch District with numerous National Blue Ribbon, California Gold Ribbon, and California Distinguished School awards. 

WVUSD Parents: Superintendent's Welcome Back Message

Good Afternoon Walnut Valley Families,

I would like to take a moment to welcome you and your student(s) back to school for the 2021/2022 school year.  I want you to know that my deepest levels of sympathy and empathy go out to all of you who have suffered, in varying ways and varying levels, throughout the pandemic.  Please be reminded that our schools and School District continue to provide a plethora of counseling and support resources for our students. 

As we return to a more traditional “in-person” structure of education, I am excited to share our District’s motto for this year:  “Reconnect, Restore, Reimagine.”

Our teachers and staff are dedicated to further developing connections with our kids, restoring the exemplary academic experience for our students, and continuing to creatively and innovatively develop the overall education experience in our classrooms.

Finally, I want to reiterate our commitment to student safety throughout our School District.  My top priority, as well as that of our Board of Trustees, is the health and well-being of our students and staff.  As I have shared with you since day one of the pandemic, we continue to partner with, rely on, and follow the guidance and direction of entities such as the California Department of Public Health, the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health, and the Los Angeles County Office of Education.  We continue to implement and sustain their recommendations and requirements in terms of addressing student and staff safety related to COVID-19. 

For your information, I have attached a letter from our Student Services and Human Resources Departments, which provides a broad perspective of various COVID-related protocols and practices implemented in our schools.  I have also attached our updated Reopening Parent Handbook for the Fall of 2021.

Again, welcome back to school!  I hope you have a wonderful start to the 2021/2022 school year.  If you have any questions, please utilize the Let’s Talk! feature on our District’s website.


Take care,

Robert P. Taylor, Ed.D.




我想花點時間歡迎您和您的學生在 2021/2022 學年重返校園。 我想讓您們知道,我對在疫情期間所有遭受不同方式與程度苦難的人表示最深切的同情與關切。我們的學校和學區將繼續為我們的學生提供大量的諮詢和支持的資源。



最後,我想重申我們對整個學區的學生安全上的承諾。 我和我們董事會的首要任務是我們學生和教職員工的健康和福祉。 正如我從疫情的第一天起就與大家分享的那樣,我們將繼續與加州公共衛生部、洛杉磯縣公共衛生部等合作、仰賴並且遵循洛杉磯縣教育辦公室的指導和方向。 我們將繼續實施和維持他們在解決與 COVID-19 相關的學生和教職員工安全方面的建議和要求。

我附上了我們學生服務部(Student Services)和人力資源部(Human Resources Departments)的一封信供您參考。其中提供了我們學校實施的各種與 COVID 相關的因應措施。 我還附上了我們更新的 2021 年秋季校園重新開放家長手冊

再一次的歡迎重返學校! 我希望您在 2021/2022 學年有一個美好的開始。 如果您有任何問題,請在學區網站上使用 Let's Talk來跟我們聯繫。



Robert P. Taylor, Ed.D.

