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Walnut valley Unified School District

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Our motto is KIDS FIRST... Every Student, Every Day!   Walnut Valley USD is proud to be a National Schools to Watch District with numerous National Blue Ribbon, California Gold Ribbon, and California Distinguished School awards. 

Information for the 2021-2022 School Year

Walnut Valley Families,

It is hard to believe that it has been over 500 days since a great many of our students stepped
foot on our campuses. As we near the start of the school year, it is exciting to imagine our
classes alive with educational conversations between our students and their teachers and peers. We
know through research that students thrive in academic environments complimented with rich social
connections and established relationships. For these reasons, the start of the 2021-22 school year
is as exciting as any start of the school year.
As nearly all of our District’s students prepare to come back to our schools in person, Walnut
Valley Unified School District (WVUSD) remains committed to providing a safe place for students to
learn. As we move closer to the start of school, we continue to develop safety protocols informed
by the latest research and consistent with public health. These protocols will be introduced to you
in greater detail in coming days and will address issues such as the LA County mask mandate for
As we near the start of school please ensure that you complete the data confirmation process for
your child’s school of residence. Data confirmation is the first step to making sure that your
child can be successfully enrolled into classes for the 2021-22 school year. To complete data
confirmation, you must:

● Log into the Aeries Parent Portal (not student Aeries portal). This can be done by going to
our website,, clicking “Parents” at the top of the page, and selecting “Parent Portal
login”. If you do not yet have a Parent Portal account, a login was emailed to you from
[email protected]. Please refer back to your email for this information or contact your students
current school.
● Only AFTER you access your Parent Portal account can you complete the Data Confirmation
process for your child. Once logged in, you will see a yellow bar with writing stating “You have
not completed the Student Data Confirmation Process; Click here to confirm the information about
your student.” Click the link to begin the process. Please read all instructions and information on
each page carefully. To proceed to the next section, click the confirmation button on the left side
near the bottom.
● Please understand that the prompt to conduct data confirmation will only be visible if the
parent account for Parent Portal is being used. A student login will not prompt Aeries to begin
data confirmation. For instructions and/or assistance with Data Confirmation, visit WVUSD Data
For families indicating their desire to place students in independent study, WVUSD is currently
working through the latest mandates from the state of California (Assembly Bill 130) and will be
providing independent study that maintains synchronous learning expectations communicated by the
State, including daily synchronous instruction for grades K-3, daily live interaction for grades
4-8, and weekly synchronous instruction for grades 4-12. All parents can enroll, disenroll or
re-enroll their children into independent study if so inclined, and may seek a consultation
regarding potential independent study placement by submitting an inquiry here.
Families may have also recently heard about Assembly Bill 104, which provides parents of students
from 2020-21 the right to conditionally revisit selected grading and graduation policies, and to
receive consultation about the possibility of student retention. For more details about the
implementation of AB 104 in Walnut Valley Unified, please visit our website here.
We hope this information finds you well and that you and your family are enjoying the last couple
of weeks of summer vacation. We look forward to partnering with you next year and into the future.
Thank you in advance for your attention to the details in this letter.
If you have any questions about the contents of this letter, please feel free to reach out through
WVUSD Let’s Talk here.
Walnut Valley Unified School District
Education Services Division


很难让人相信,离我们众多学生踏入校园最近的一次竟是远在500 多天以前了。在接近学年开始的此刻,令人兴奋的是,很快我们就能感受到课堂内学生与老师和同学之间充满活力又有教育性的对话。 经由研究报告, 我们了解到,在一个社交互动和关系丰富的学术环境中,学生才能茁壮成长。 因此,2021-22学年与任何学年的开始同样令人振奋。

学区几乎所有学生都准备回到学校面对面上课,而核桃谷联合学区(WVUSD) 也会致力于为学生提供一个安全的学习环境。随着开学日的接近,我们制定的安全协议不仅会继续根据最新资讯,也会与公共卫生的要求保持一致。在未来几天内, 我们会将这些协议protocols 更详细地介绍给您;同时也会涉及有关洛杉矶县规定学生戴口罩的问题。


  •        登录Aeries 家长门户(不是学生Aeries 门户)。可以到学区的网站, 在页面上先点选 “Parents” (家長),在清单列项中再点选 “Parent Portal login (“家長门户登录”)來完成。如果您还没有家长门户帐户,我们会通过[email protected]电子邮件向您发送登录信息。请查阅您的电子邮件以获取此信息,或联系您学生的学校。
  •        只有在您登录家长门户帐户后,才能为您的孩子完成数据确认过程。登录后,您将看到一个黄色栏,上面写着“您尚未完成学生数据资讯确认流程; 点击此处确认有关学生的信息。” 点击链接流程就可以开始了。请仔细阅读每页上的所有说明和信息。要继续下一部分,请点击左侧底部附近的确认按钮。
  •        请大家理解,只有在家长门户的帐户开启使用时,数据确认的提示才会显示出来。学生门户登录不会提示Aeries 開始數據確認。有关数据确认的说明和/或协助,请参访WVUSD Data Confirmation.

对于表示希望让学生进行独立学习的家庭,WVUSD目前正在朝加州的最新规定(Assembly Bill 130) 努力,在保持州所传达的同步学习的期望下, 提供独立学习;包括K-3年级每日的同步教学,4-8年级每日的实时互动,4-12年级的每周同步教学。如果愿意,所有家长都可以为他们的孩子注册、退出或重新注册独立学习,并且可以通过here提交查询,以咨询有关独立学习可能的安置。

有些家长可能最近还听说有关Assembly Bill 104 (第 104 號議會法案),该法案规定学生的家长对2020-21学年有权在有条件的情况下, 重新审视选定的评分和毕业政策,并就保留学生不升级的的可能性进行咨询。有关在Walnut Valley Unified 如何实施AB 104的更多详细信息,请在此处here上访我们的网站。


若对此信内容有任何疑问,请随时通过WVUSD Let’s Talk here与我们联系。



